Pilot 15 Feb. 1911
After an illness lasting over several months, Lyman J. Grover died in Blair last Monday and his remains were brought to Arlington Tuesday morning and buried in the cemetery here.
The deceased lived here for a number of years, but last fall his condition became such that it was thought necessary by the county authorities to send him to Blair to receive treatment under county aid.
Notice was sent to Arlington of his death, but his sons here refused to furnish any money to bury him with, so it was decided to turn the body over to an Omaha Medical College, as the law provides, but Mace Tyson thought the old gentleman deserved better treatment, went out with a subscription paper Monday, and raised enough money to pay the expenses of burial and ordered the body sent here. It seems strange that able-bodied sons would permit the dead body of their father to be consigned to a medical college rather than hustle around for the money necessary to give him a decent burial. Yet, there are many such men living today. – Arlington Review-Herald
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.