Pilot Tribune 16 Dec 1968
Mrs. Wakefield Died At Herman Wednesday
Mrs. Jennie Wakefield, wife of the late Tom Wakefield, died at her home at Herman Wednesday, December 11th. Mrs. Wakefield was 77 years old.
Jennie Hazel Cunningham was born at Creston, Iowa July 19, 1891 and she grew to the age of a young woman there.
She was married September 20, 1909 at Creston to Thomas Wakefield, Jr. of Broken Bow, Nebraska. Following her marriage she moved with her husband to Broken Bow where they lived on a farm until the spring of 1925. At that time they moved to a farm east of Herman, and in 1943 they moved into Herman and retired from active farming.
Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield became the parents of three sons, Roy A. Wakefield of Fremont, Warren O. of Herman and Marion T. Wakefield, of Blair.
Mrs. Wakefield, with her husband, were active members of the Methodist Church both at Broken Bow and later at Herman. She was active in her church circle up until the time of her death.
In addition to her church work, she carried on an active interest in the Order of Eastern Star and was a Past Matron of the Order. She had been a member for over 50 years frequently filled the various offices when called upon.
She was preceded in death by her husband in 1966 and by one sister, three brothers and a grand-son, Wayne Wakefield.
She is survived by her three sons, 5 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Esther Garner, of Joplin, Missouri and two brothers. They are George O. Cunningham, of Bartlesville, Okla., and Walter W. Cunningham, of Venice, California. There are also a number of nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were Saturday afternoon at the Methodist Church in Herman. The Rev. Zack Kleinsasser conducted the services and burial was made in the Herman Cemetery. Graveside rites were conducted by members of the Order of Eastern Star.
The casket-bearers were Allan Yowell, George Fitch, William Hart, Eugene Husk, R. Clare Johnson and Howard Hansen, Jr.