Obituary Record

Louise (Lallman) Langhorst
Died on 8/15/1923


Two newspaper articles

Since the exact death date was not given, this news article date was used.

# 1 - - Published in The Pilot, 8/15/1923


Mrs. Louise Langhorst, 43, of Nickerson, died at her farm home on the outskirts of Nickerson last Friday evening at ten o’clock, death being the result of a several years’ illness from anemia. Mrs. Langhorst was well known and very popular in Nickerson township and Fontanelle districts, where she spent her entire life.

She has a large host of acquaintances who regret to hear that they have lost a very good friend and their sympathies go out to the bereaved family and relatives.

Mrs. Langhorst was born in Washington county, January 12, 1879, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Lallman. She received her education in Washington county schools and resided there until about fifteen years ago, when she was united in marriage to E. F. Langhorst and moved to the farm just southwest of Nickerson to live with him. They have resided in this place since their marriage.

Surviving are the husband, two daughters, 14 and 11 years of age, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Lallman, two brothers, William and Albert, both of Fontanelle, and two sisters, Mrs. William Holtman and Mary, both of Fontanelle.

Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at one o’clock at the Fontanelle church. Burial will be made at Fontanelle. --- Fremont Tribune.

# 2 - - from The Tribune (Blair), 8/16/1923


The funeral services for the late Mrs. Edward Langhorst, who died at her home near Nickerson on Friday evening, were held from the local Lutheran church on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Langhorst was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Lallman of this community. She was about 43 years old at the time of her death, which was due to anemia. The immediate surviving relatives are the bereaved husband and two daughters, Florence and Mabel, her aged parents and two brothers and two sisters.