Pilot Tribune 24 Jan. 1972
Ralph Grenier, Area Conservation Head, Died Friday
Ralph Grenier, area soil conservation supervisor, died last Friday, January 21st at the Clarkson Hospital in Omaha. The Greniers lived at 341 South 21st Street in Blair.
Mr. Grenier was the Area Conservationist of Area 1 and as such directed the soil conservation work in 13 counties of east Nebraska. He came to Blair in August, 1960, from McCook, Nebraska, where he had served in a similar capacity. He spent most of his adult life in soil conservation work having been with the service since 1935.
He was born at St. Joseph, Missouri, September 16, 1914, and was 57 years of age at his death.
His family moved to Benkelman, Nebraska, when he was a small child.
He served in World War II with the Naval Seabees from 1943 to 1945. Most of the time was spent in the South Pacific. After receiving his discharge he returned to the Soil Conservation and was located at Crawford, Nebraska.
He is survived by his wife, Margaret and by two sons. The sons are Steven Grenier of Omaha and Daniel Grenier of Paoli, Pennsylvania. There are two grandchildren.
A brother, Coleman Grenier, lives at Denver, Colorado.
Funeral services will be held at St. Francis Borgia Catholic Church this morning (Monday) January 24, at 9:30 a.m. Burial will be made in Calvary Cemetery in Omaha.
Pallbearers will be Henry Bergschneider, Robert Macholan, Ray Furtak, Frank Drbal, Wayne Lambertz, and Stewart Bohrer, Father Daniel Brick will conduct the services at the church and burial will be made under the direction of the Campbell Mortuary.