Obituary Record

Otto Russell Andersen
Died on 1/13/1924
Buried in Blair Cemetery

The death of little Otto Russell, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jens Anderson, of west South street, occured Sunday, Jan. 13, after a severe illness with whooping cough.

He was born January 9, 1914. The little boy had never been strong and the dread disease, whooping cough, which racked his frail little body, was more than he could withstand. He was in the third grade at school but was unable to go but a short time this term.

Funeral services were held on Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 2 P.M. at the Danish church with interment in the Blair cemetery. The parents and brothers and sisters have the sympathy of the community in their

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 1/24/1924