Published in the Blair Pilot July 16, 1924
Mrs. Mike Ingerslev's sister, Mrs. Anders Andersen, died at her home on a farm near Herman at 11:30 last Friday morning, following an operation for appendicitis that was performed some five weeks before. She seemed to improve for a time, but gradually grew worse and medical skill was unable to save her.
The funeral was held at the Methodist church in Herman at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. N.P. Lang, of this city, officiating. Burial was made in the Blair cemetery and a daughter, Maren, who died at the age of seven years, who was buried in the Kennard cemetery, will be brought here and laid by the side of the mother.
Maren Madsen was born in Fyn, Denmark, August 6th, 1868, so was not quite 56 years of age. She came to this country with her mother and stepfather, Peter Madsen, at the age of 18 years. They made their home in this city and she was married here to Anders Andersen October 6th, 1888. They lived on a farm near Kennard for a time, later on a farm near Herman, where death found her.
Two children survive her, Marie and Arthur W., both living at home. Besides her husband and sister, Mrs. Ingerslev, she leaves one brother, Peter Madsen, Jr., of Seattle, Wash., and her mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Madsen, Sr., of Boone, Ia.
CARD OF THANKS: We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our many friends for the aid and sympathy given us during the illness and after the death of our beloved wife and mother. Also to thank Rev. N.P. Lang, of Blair, and the singers of Herman, and all who sent the beautiful floral offerings in her memory.
Pilot, 7/16/1924
Tribune, 7/17/1924
Peter Madsen was called here from Boone, Iowa, to attend the funeral of his daughter, Mrs. Andrew Andersen, who died following an operation for appendicitis, burial being made in the Blair cemetery last Sunday. Mrs. Andersen was a sister of Mrs. M. Ingerslev of this city, was about 55 years old, and lived west of Herman. She leaves a husband and two grown children, a son and daughter. Before returning to Boone, Mr. Madsen visited several days at the Ingerslev home in this city.
~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society – Newspaper clipping on file in the Blair Public Library in Blair, Nebraska ~~~ |