Obituary Record

Mary J (Burgess) Gouchenour
Died on 8/24/1916


Tribune 30 Aug. 1916

Answers Final Summons.

At 8 o’clock in the evening of August 24, the soul of Mrs. Mary Gouchenour, wife of Adam Gouchenour, departed this life and as she breathed the parting goodbye, she was surrounded by all the members of her family, who had been notified that the termination of the long and patient suffering was close at hand. Mrs. Gouchenour, for many months, had been a sufferer from liver troubles, but all that medical skill could do proved of no avail and she gradually sank lower from the first and was confined to her bed constantly since the 16th day of July, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ella Maher, at whose place she died.

Mary J. Burgess was born in York county, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1842, and was married in Cambridge, Illinois, on October 23, 1862, to Mr. Adam Gouchenour. Twenty years later the family removed to this city and have made this their home ever since and during these years Mrs. Gouchenour was known as a loving mother and a kind and good neighbor who will be greatly missed by the friends who now mourn her demise.

Those of the family who have the sympathy of the community are the husband, six daughters, one step-son and step-daughter, nineteen grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, one sister, and a young man named Art Purtell of Fremont, who was reared to manhood in the Gouchenour home and to whom the departed bestowed her mother love with the same noble spirit as she did her truly own. The daughters are: Mesdames Charlotte Ireland of Tekamah; Della Trimble, Kadoka, S. D.; Ella Maher, John Dixon, Grant Garner and Gilbert Hines of this city. Joe Gouchenour of Blair and Mrs. Mary Stevens of Sweetgrass, Mont., are the step-son and step-daughter.