Word was received last Wednesday of the sudden death of Miss Mary Louise Emmett, which occurred Wednesday morning, August 20th, from heart trouble. This came as a great shock to her many friends.
She has been Domestic Science teacher in the public school for the past two years and was re-elected for the coming school year. Miss Emmett will be greatly missed by the faculty, the pupils, the social circles where she was held in high esteem by all those who knew her.
Miss Emmett was awakened about 4:30 a.m. Wednesday morning and her father heard her breathing heavily and called Dr. E. R. Rayson, who used a pulmoter and worked for an hour and a half in an effort to restore life, but his efforts were futile. According to the doctor Miss Emmett had expired before he arrived.
Mr. Emmett, the girl's father, is a cashier in the Central National Bank of Lincoln and is a former State Bank examiner. The girl's mother was in Arapahoe, Nebr., visiting with a son and was expected home Wednesday.
The funeral was not held until Sunday on account of the condition of the girl's father who collapsed from the shock of her sudden death.