Pilot 8 Dec. 1909, Page 3 Col. 4
Friday a.m. Nov. 29th at her home five miles southwest of Herman, occurred the death of Ms. August Krause after a lingering illness of two years caused by a cancer. Wilhemina *Gorke was born in Germany Dec. 18th, 1845, and died Nov. 26th, 1909; she was therefore 63 years 11 months and 8 days old. She was married to August Krause Oct. 13th 1867. To this union were born 13 children, one having died in infancy, the surviving 12, whom she has reared to manhood and womanhood were all able to attend her funeral. The funeral services were conducted at her home Sunday at 10:30 a.m. by Rev. McKibbin and were attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors. Interment was made in the Herman cemetery.
*Gorke or Gierke