Pilot Tribune 31 July 1941
Grandson Of Former Blairite Killed
Dudley Cole Yeoman, 22, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cole Yeoman of Wilmette, Illinois, was instantly killed last Wednesday night when his car hit a tree at Edinburg, Indiana. His grandmother was the former Kate Carter of Blair.
Yeoman was returning to his home after a visit in Omaha to enter the coast guard naval reserve training school, where he had enlisted and was to report for duty Friday. He had visited in Omaha with his aunt, Mr. D. F. Corte, and with another aunt, Mrs. T. T. Harris, and Dr. Harris.
Funeral services and burial took place in Omaha Monday. He is survived by a sister and two brothers.
From here at the funeral were Mrs. Anne Carter Hinkel, Mrs. J. P. Jensen and Alfred, and Mrs. Ed Latta and Libby.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.