Pilot 11 Mar 1914
Mrs. A. M. Webb passed peacefully away at 8 o’clock Tuesday evening, March 10th, from the effects of three paralytic strokes within four days last fall. The first one occurred October 29th, the second on Nov 1st and the third on the 3rd. Since that time her right side has been almost completely paralyzed, but her mind has been clear and she has shown great vitality to ward off death so long. Her son, Richard H., left his work at Osceola, Neb., and with his wife came to care for her every want during her long illness, showing a devotion that is most praise worthy.
The funeral will be held at the house on west Lincoln street at o’clock tomorrow morning. Rev. J.M. Kokjer, of the Congregational church, officiating in the absence of the pastor of the Baptist church of which she was a member in her girlhood days back in New York. Interment will be made by the side of her husband, who has been sleeping in “God’s Acre” in Missouri Valley since October, 1901. An only daughter Louise, was first laid to rest there in September, 1907. Another son, Frank H., lives in Exeter, Calif., and will not be able to come for the funeral.
Avis M. Huntley was born in Marathon, N.Y., June 15th, 1847 and was married there to R.L. Webb one fair April day, the 5th, 1865, just as the cannon of the Civil War had ceased to roar. In ’82 they moved west to California Junction, Ia., moving on to York, Neb., in 1903 and to this city three years later. Shortly after they came here their only daughter left them, five years later Mr. Webb passed over and now the devoted wife and mother has joined them in the great beyond, She was a member of the W.R.C. and took great interest in the work of this beneficent order.
Enterprise 13 Mar. 1914
After an illness covering several months, the beginning of which was a stroke of paralysis, Mrs. Webb, who lived on west Lincoln street, died at her home Tuesday, March 10, at 8:30 P.M., the direct cause of her death being dropsy. She was 65 years of age.
Her son, Dick Webb, and wife, of Osceola, Neb., have been here for some time giving the mother the tenderest care.
Mrs. Webb was a lady highly respected and leaves many friends to mourn her death. The body was taken to Missouri Valley, Iowa, Thursday morning where interment was made.
Tribune 18 Mar 1914
Mrs. A. M. Webb died at her home in Blair at eight o’clock, Tuesday morning, March 10, 1914, the result of a paralytic stroke. She had been partially paralyzed since last October and death came as a relief to her sufferings.
Avis M. Huntley was born in Marathon, N.Y., June 15, 1847, and was married to R. L. Webb on April 5, 1865. In 1882 they moved to Iowa and located near California Junction, living there until 1903 when they moved to York, Nebraska, leaving there three years later and locating in Blair, where they have since resided. Mt. Webb died in 1908, and was buried in Mo. Valley _______besides his only daughter.
The funeral was held from the ____________Thursday, Rev. J. M. Kokjer ____________ Congregational church, conducted the services, and the body was shipped to Mo, Valley to buried beside her husband. She leaves two sons, Richard II, of Osceola, Nebr., and Frank N. of Exter, Cal.
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