Enterprise 12 Mar 1981
Services Held In Randolph Iowa, Saturday
Funeral services were held Saturday, March 7, at the United Methodist Church in Randolph, Iowa, for Eleanor Wederquist, 67, who died March 2, 1981, in Apache Junction, Arizona, where she spent her winters.
Rev. Lewis Hunter conducted the services. Burial was in the Randolph Cemetery.
Eleanor Wederquist was born March 11, 1913. She was active during her life in 4-H work, church circles and the Order of Eastern Star.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Royce Wederquist; and a son, Lynn Wederquist.
She is survived by one son, Joe A Wederquist of Randolph, Iowa; one daughter, Ann Leahy of Greeley, Colorado; and a daughter-in-law, Judy (Mrs. Lynn) Wederquist of Blair. Two sisters, two brothers, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren also survive her.
Pallbearers were Gerald Inman, Jack Walker, Warren Wilson, Donald Wulfe, Dale Malcom and Marlin Henderson.
Honorary pallbearers were Verle Trively, Ted Knight, Ralph Costello, Don Jamison, Jack Fichter and Jack Tyner.