Enterprise 22 Nov. 1928
Early Settler Arlington Dies
Arlington, Nov. 21. – Oliver Unthank, 86, pioneer settler of the Arlington vicinity, and later a business man of Arlington, died at his home here Wednesday afternoon, following an illness of two years. The last two months Mr. Unthank had been in a serious condition.
A native of Fort Wayne, Ind., and in the early days came to Nebraska and located on a homestead three miles southeast of Arlington.
After a few years he answered the call to go further west and for a period was employed as telegraph operator for the Union Pacific at Fort Laramie. When the Indians became too hostile in that section of the country he returned to Nebraska with his bride whom he had married at Fort Laramie and took up farming on his farm near here.
A few years later he came to Arlington where he purchased the grain and elevator business of his father, the late John A. Unthank, which he continued until 1893 when he disposed of it to the Nye-Schneider-Fowler company. For a period Mr. Unthank conducted a general merchandise store, retiring about 20 years ago.
Mr. Unthank had been in failing health for the last two or three years and for the last month his condition has been serious.
Close surviving relatives are the wife by his second marriage, and four sons, A. N., Fremont, G. R., Lincoln; W. R., Omaha, and O. B., Sheridan, Wyo.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.
Funeral arrangements have not been made pending word from the son at Sheridan.