Pilot 23 April 1924
Mrs. Ellen Updike died at her home at 65 west Nebraska street last Friday, April 18th, of cancer, following a long and painful illness. The funeral was conducted at the Methodist church at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon by Rev. O. U. McProud and burial was in the New England cemetery, where her husband was buried in 1891, also a daughter, Blanche, who died at the age of 17 years. Miss Ellen Bartels was born at Bowling Green, Ohio, April 28th, 1855, so was nearly 69 years of age. When a girl of 18 years she came to Nebraska with her parents and other relatives. Not all of them being able to get claims in this state after parents settled near Norton, Kans., where she was married to Wallace Updike, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, in 1879. Five children were born to them of whom Lucy, Sam, Wallace and Wilbur survive. She leaves, also, one brother and two sisters, besides five grandchildren. For a number of years the family lived in the New England neighborhood, moving to this city sometime after Mr. Updikes death. Mrs. Updike was a good mother, ambitious for her children and anxious to have them succeed. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of many friends.
Enteprise 24 April 1924
Mrs. Ellen Updike, the subject of this brief statement, was born in Bowling Green, Ohio, April 28, 1855, and departed this life at her home on west Nebraska street, April 18th 1924, lacking ten days of having reached her 69th birthday.
She was married at Norton, Kansas, to Mr. Wallace Updike of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, the latter having died in the year of 1891.
To this union were born five children, four of whom survive their mother’s death. They are Lucy, Sam, Wallie, and Wilbur Updike. Blanche, the second born died some years ago.
Also there are six grandchildren, five of whom are living.
In all her activities and duties Mrs. Updike showed the fine spirit of one whom her friends and neighbors think of as ambitious, meaning that she had courage and energy to live and plan and work hard to achieve her place in life. She was patient in her long and painful sickness. She has been a member of the church many years and enjoyed her religious privileges when situated so that she could attend.
Funeral services were held last Sunday at 2 P.M. at the M. E. church, Rev. O. U. McProud officiating.