Tribune 17 Oct 1918 (veteran)
Wentworth, John
John Wentworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Wentworth, died at Camp Dodge Sunday morning from pneumonia, superinduced by Spanish influenza. He was 22 years of age. Last week his parents received news of his illness, and the mother left at once to assist in caring for the son until death came. The body arrived in Blair Wednesday morning and the funeral will be held at 2 p.m. today from the I. O. O. F. hall. He leaves his parents, wife and two little children and one brother, Wesley, and a sister, Mrs. Minnie Morrison. The Home Guards have charge of the funeral and a soldier’s honors will be accorded him.
Pilot 16 Oct 1918
Arthur John Wentworth
Hollis Wentworth received word last Thursday of the serious illness of their son, John, and Mrs. W. went over to Camp Dodge Friday morning. She found him very low and death came at 3:40 Sunday morning from pneumonia following Spanish influenza. The body was expected yesterday but word has been received that it will arrive at 3 o’clock today and will be taken direct to the I. O. O. F. and Home Guard auspices. Arthur John Wentworth was born at the family home near the Blair bridge June 29th, 1896, and was
past 22 years of age. Four years ago he was married to Miss Flora Cleaver and besides the widow and sorrowing parents he leaves two small children. Also one brother, Wesley, who lives at Rapid City. He was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge at this place and had $10,000 in government insurance when he entered the service, only the 5th of September. He was living on his father’s place across the river and so went from Harrison county. Being a married man with two children he wouldn’t have had to go but claimed no exemption and went, offering and giving his life for his country as freely as though he had fallen on the battle fields of France. He will be given a soldier’s burial by the Home Guards and in the future will be counted as one having fallen in the great world’s war for democracy.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.