#1-Pilot Tribune 25 May 1944
Services Held For Former Countian
Mrs. Buena Vehrs of Cortez, Colo., the former Buena Pruner of Kennard, was buried in Kennard cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Interment was preceded by rites conducted by the Rev. A. A. Leiske of Omaha.
A Washington county resident for many years, Mrs. Vehrs made her home while in Cortez, Colo., with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harrison. Relatives present for the graveside rites were her son, T/5 Guy Vehrs of Florida, Mrs. Guy Vehrs of Lincoln; a sister, Mrs. Harrison of Cortez; a brother, Dr. Caskie Pruner, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Pruner, both of Omaha.
#2-25 May, 1944 - The Enterprise
Mrs. Buena Vehrs, formerly Miss Buena Pruner, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pruner of Kennard, died on May 17th at Cortez, Colorado, and the body was brought back to the old hometown for burial on Tuesday, May 23rd. Rev. A. A. Liske of Omaha officiated.
The Pruners were well known people in Kennard something like thirty five years ago when Dr. Pruner was a practicing physician in that place. He was very successful in his profession, and made many friends who will remember both him and his family.
Out of town people at the services Tuesday were Mrs. Vehr’s son, Guy Vehrs, stationed with the army in Florida, his wife of Lincoln; Mrs. Vehr’s sister, Mrs. Guy Harrison of Cortez, Colorado; a brother, Dr. A. C. Pruner and a sister in law, Mrs. Elizabeth Pruner of Omaha.
Note: From Kennard Cemetery records - born 16 March 1879; died 17 May 1944; buried Blk 6 Lot 4 Sp 3