Obituary Record

William Epling
Died on 1/12/1929

#1 Printed in the Jan. 17, 1929 Enterprise, Blair, Nebraska

Former Blair Man Dies In California

Word has been received by relatives here of the death of Wm. Epling of Riverside, Calif. on Saturday, Jan. 12 following a paralytic stroke.

His death followed closely that of his wife who passed away Dec. 18 and that of his sister, Mrs. Frank Loomis of Omaha, in November.

He is survived by his sister, Mrs. T. H. Wright of the city and five children, two sons and three daughters. Earl lives at Los Angeles, Glen at Riverside, Mrs. Ruth Massard of Ouray, Colo., Mrs. Callie West of Riverside and Mrs. Claus Mehrens of Ft. Calhoun, Neb.

Mr. Epling lived in the county for many years before going to California. He was postmaster and ran a store in Kennard at one time, later bought and farmed the Joe Wranch farm in the south part of the county.

#2 Printed in the Jan. 16, 1929 Pilot, Blair, Nebraska

Will H. Epling Dies at Riverside

Wm. H. Epling, for many years a resident of this county, died at his home in Riverside, Calif., last Saturday, January 12th. His wife died only December 18th and his sister, Mrs. Frank Loomis, passed away in Omaha November 18th. He was buried out there.

Mrs. Claus Mehrens, of Ft. Calhoun township, is a daughter. Another daughter, Mrs. Rufus West, lives at Riverside and another, Mrs. Frank Massard, lives in Colorado. Two sons, Earl and Glen, live in Los Angeles. Mrs. T.H. Wright, of this city, is a half-sister.

Mr. Epling was 67 years of age and had been in feeble health for some time. He farmed in this county for a number of years and was with J.I. Unruh in the furniture business several years before they left for California. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge at Kennard.

#3-17 Jan., 1929 - The Tribune

Mrs. T. H. Wright received a telegram the fore part of the week stating that her brother, Will Epling, had died at Riverside, Calif. last Saturday. The deceased was born October, 30, 1862 at Chilhowie, Virginia, and later came to Washington county where he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Wilcox. The family lived in this community for many years, and several years ago Mr. and Mrs. Epling moved to California. Mrs. Epling died last December 18th. Surviving him are five children, Earl of Los Angeles; Glen and Mrs. West of Riverside , Calif; Mrs. Hassard of Colorado and Mrs. Mehrens of Calhoun and a sister, Mrs. T. H. Wright of this city. No details as to the cause of his death were given in the telegram.

~~~Obituaries courtesy of Washington County Genealogical Association; newspaper clippings on file at the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska ~~~

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 1/17/1929