Blair Courier 6 Apr 1899
Anna (Buckner) White
Mrs. Anna Buckner White, whose decease occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Johnston, on March 17, at the age of 86 years, was buried from that home on Sunday, March 19, and interred in the cemetery at Blair. Anna Buckner was born in Canada to Hiram White, and later removed to Illinois and thence to Nebraska. She was the mother of eight children, three of whom are deceased and five survive her. Of the deceased, Katherine died in infancy, Anna Bartlett in 1889 and Charles White in 1890. Of the five living, Mary Goodrich is residing in Onawa, Iowa; Alma Bryant, in Tekamah; Cassie Rice, Nora, Neb.; Fred White has settled in Roanoke, Texas, while Mrs. Lizzie Johnston has long been a prominent resident near Blair. The deceased, though living to a good old age, had been a great sufferer during her last years and the death angel came as the messenger of mercy and rest. A large circle of children and grandchildren were present at the burial and the leave taking over the beautiful casket of the departed was most tender. This sainted servant of God was early converted and lived a patient and humble disciple of Christ in communion with the M. E. Church. The funeral services were conducted by Dr. Williams, of Blair, who drew the basis of consolation from the light of revealed hope and the promises of our holy religion.