Obituary Record

Infant son of Robert Widener
Died on 7/2/1911
Buried in Kennard Cemetery

Kennard Enterprise 7 Jul 1911

Widener, Infant Son of Robert

The infant son of Robert Widener of Blair, died last Sunday evening after a brief illness of only four hours. The funeral was held on the afternoon of July 4th at Grace Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. Hiller officiating. Interment was at Kennard Cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Widener who used to live in Kennard, and who seem to be having a series of misfortunes. Mrs. Widener is recovering very nicely from her operation of several months past, and it is hoped the shock will not have any serious effect.

Blair Democrat 13 Jul 1911

The infant son of Robert Widener of Blair, died last Sunday evening after a brief illness of only four hours. The funeral was held on the afternoon of July 4th at Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Dr. Hiller officiating. Interment was at Kennard Cemetery.

Note: We assume he is buried in the Widener lot 25 or 26 in Blk 1, but are not sure as there is no marker.

Printed in the Blair Democrat/Courier on 7/13/1911