Obituary Record

Claus Wiese
Died on 5/24/1973


Enterprise 31 May 1973

Claus Wiese Buried In Denver

Claus A. Wiese died on Thursday morning, May 24th at Veterans Hospital in Denver, Colorado after a long and lingering illness.

He was born April 27, 1898 on a farm near Kennard. He received his education in Washington County schools and in later years was employed in Iowa. He was a Veteran in World War II and after his discharge, he resided in Denver. He was married to Nancy White in 1947, and she passed away in March 1952.

Survivors are sisters: Mrs. George Voss of DeSmet, South Dakota; Mrs. Christina English of Beemer, and Dorothy Wiese. Brothers are Rudolph of Ft. Calhoun, Asmus and Clarence of Blair, Arthur and Henry of Kennard and nieces and nephews.

A brother, August died last January.

Graveside services were conducted by Pastor Robert West and interment at Fairmont Cemetery in Denver, Colorado.