Obituary Record

Marie (Harder) Wiese
Died on 8/4/1965


Enterprise 12 Aug 1965

Mrs. Ed Wiese Buried In Okla.

Mrs. Marie Wiese of Kingfisher, Oklahoma passed away on August 4th and funeral services were held Friday afternoon in Kingfisher.

Mrs. Wiese, the former Marie Harder, was born July 2, 1884 in Blair and spent her girlhood here. Her husband, Ed Wiese, died in May of 1955.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ernest Klinnert; and two sons, Elmer and Arthur of Omega. Also 12 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Her sister, Tena Wiese, of Kennard, and a brother, Henry Harder, of Denison, Iowa also survive.

Mrs. Walter Japp, Dorothy Wiese and Mrs. Paul Wulf, nieces, attended the services in Oklahoma.