Blair Courier 3 May 1890
Florence A. Wilcox
Died----At the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Brown, in Juniata, Neb., on April 23, 1890, of Bright’s disease, Mrs. Florence A. Wilcox, wife of E. H. Wilcox, aged 24 years and ten months.
The deceased became ill with Bright’s disease about two years ago while living in Chadron, and has since been a patient sufferer. A few months ago dropsy began to develop and from that until death kindly relieved her. She suffered severely, but never sufficient to cause her to complain. Many kind friends watched by her bedside with a hope they knew never could be realized. The same kindly love and affection which won her friends in earlier life, continued until the last. Death came to her, as it does to all the pure, as a welcome friend. She would be pleased to have lived for her husband, mother, father and sisters, but the inevitable hour found her ready. About her last words were “I am happy.” Life went out gently as a summer’s breeze.
Mrs. Wilcox was born in Vinton, Iowa, June 24, 1865, and was at her death in her 25th year. She was a niece of Geo. T. and A.H. Brown, and was married to E. H. Wilcox, at Missouri Valley, Iowa, Feb. 17, 1884. The funeral services, conducted by Rev. J. W. Gilman, Rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, of Hastings, of which the deceased was a member, were held at 3:30 p. m. April 24, and the remains deposited in the cemetery near the place. -----Journal.