Obituary Record

Adolph Ludwig Haack
Died on 10/7/1914

Since the exact death date was not given, a news article date was used.

Four newspaper articles

# 1 - from The Tribune, October 7, 1914


Adolph Ludwig Haack, an old resident of Blair, died at his home on west South street Monday night about eleven o’clock of hardening of the arteries. He was born in Augestenburg, Schleswig, Germany, July 25, 1840. He was married in Germany and came here in 1870. To his first marriage two children were born, one son, Hugo, who lives south of Blair, and one daughter, Mrs. Joe Manwaring, of Springfield, Oregon. His first wife died thirty-six years ago. He was married September 1, 1892 to Mrs. Emma Trontow. To this union seven children were born, who, with the wife, survive him. Rev. Lambrecht, of the German Lutheran church, will conduct the funeral from the residence at two o’clock tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon.

# 2 - Pilot, October 7, 1914

Adolph Ludwig Haack died rather suddenly Monday night of hardening of the arteries. The disease has been coming on for many months but he was able to be up and around a little. Sunday Mrs. Haack saw he was considerably weaker and Monday afternoon he lay down and went to sleep. His pulse grew weaker and weaker until the end came at about 11 o’clock. The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the home on west South street, Rev. J.M. Kokjer officiating. Burial will be made beside his first wife, who died about 36 years ago. Mr. Haack was born in Augustenburg, Schleswig, Germany, July 25th, 1840. He was married there and came to America in 1870. Two children of this marriage survive him, Hugo, who lives on a farm near this city, and Mrs. Jos. Mainwaring, of Springfield, Oregon. On September 1st, 1892, he was married to Mrs. Emma Trontow in this city. Of this union seven children are now living: Frances, Adelheid, Oscar, Arthur, Josephine, Roland and Adolph. Mrs. Haack and the children have the sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow.

# 3 - Blair Democrat, October 8, 1914

A.L. Hack (sp) died Monday evening from hardening of the arteries, and the funeral was held this afternoon from the late home, the remains being buried beside those of his first wife who died about 36 years ago. Mr. Hack was born in Augustenberg, Schleswig, Germany, July 25th, 1840. He was married there and came to America in 1870. Two children of this marriage survive him, Hugo, who lives on a farm near this city, and Mrs. Jos. Mainwaring, of Springfield, Oregon. On Sept. 1st, 1882, he was married to Mrs. Emma Trontow in this city. Of this union seven children are now living, Fraces (sp), Adelheid, Oscar, Arthur, Josephine, Roland and Adolph.

# 4 - Enterprise, October 9, 1914


Death, the ruthless destroyer, came peacefully and painlessly to Adolph Haack Monday night at his home in this city. He had been a semi-invalid for a generation and was compelled to leave his farm and move to town many years ago, by reason of his physical disabilities. He was an early settler in this county locating on a farm northwest of Blair in the early seventies and was a much respected honorable man. He was passed 70 years of age and was the father of Hugo Haack, a respected farmer of DeSoto, and a married daughter living in Oregon, children by his first wife, who died 36 years ago. In the early nineties he married Mrs. Emma Trontow and of that marriage seven children are living. The funeral service was held at the family home on South street at 2 o’clock P.M. on Thursday and the remains interred by the side of his first wife in the Blair cemetery.