Pilot-Tribune, March 20, 1930
O.C. Roberts, for many years a prominent business man in Arlington, passed away Friday night, March 14, at a hospital in Omaha where he had been a patient for about two weeks. Mr. Roberts was thought to be much better the first of the week but complications set in later which the doctors were unable to relieve. Mr. Roberts was born at Arlington, the son of pioneer parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Roberts. He grew to manhood here and forty years ago was united in marriage to Miss Louise Fitch, also of Arlington. He was associated in the grain and lumber business with his father, later continuing the business by himself. Several years ago the family moved to Omaha where he engaged in business. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Lester White, of Omaha, and Miss Dorothy Roberts, of Denver.