Since the exact death date was not given, the news article date was used.
Published in the Tribune, August 4, 1915
After a short illness of but a few days, Charles St. Clair was called to the great beyond. He was a prominent member of the Idaho bar, having conducted some of the most important litigations in the southeast. He was active in the municipal affairs and gave a helping hand to every worthy cause. He came to Idaho six years ago last January and since then has been a member of the law firm of St. Clair & St. Clair, being associated with his brother, former Senator Clency St. Clair. He attended the law school of the Nebraska University and has been in active practice in Nebraska and Idaho for the past 15 years. For four years he acted as county attorney of Phelps county, Nebraska, and practiced his profession at Holdrege, Nebr., before coming to Idaho. He was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, the Knights Templar and the local Elks’ lodge. The funeral will be held Friday, the time not yet having been fixed. Services will be held at the home on Placer avenue. He was married at Blair, Neb., and is survived by his wife and a little girl, two sisters and two brothers.
The above clipped from the Idaho Daily Post, came to the editor’s desk just after publication of last week’s issue.
Mrs. St. Clair, nee Ada Willsey, was born and reared to womanhood in our city and has many friends here, who will sorrow with her in the loss of her husband.
Little can be said of Mrs. St. Clair and her husband that is not said in the published account sent in from her home paper, which shows in what great respect they are held in the place of their residence. Mrs. St. Clair was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilsey, who were pioneer settlers here and who were held in the highest respect by our people. The community at large will in their hearts extend the most sincere sympathy to those in their present sorrow.