Pilot-Tribune, March 16, 1981
Richard L. Sack, a former resident of Blair, died last Friday, March 13, at his home at Dover, Delaware. He had been bedridden with cancer of the throat and lungs since last August.
Richard, a graduate of Blair High School, was the husband of Sara Jane O’Hanlon, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Philip O’Hanlon of Blair. Richard was the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Sack-Dyson who taught in the Blair school system for many years.
He was born May 2, 1930, at Lincoln, Nebraska. He is survived by his wife, Sara Jane; by three children, Lynn Muhvich of Randall’s Town, Maryland, and by David and Philip, both of Dover, Delaware. There is one grandchild, Sara Lozein Muhvich. His father, Lindell Sack, of Torrington, Wyoming, also survives him.
Dick had worked for General Foods for thirty years, having been transferred to the Delaware area several years ago.
Funeral services will be held at Old Christ’s Church in Dover early this week after which the body will be cremated.
A memorial service will be held at the Blair Cemetery Wednesday, March 18th at 1:00.