Obituary Record

Merab H Bradley
Died on 8/31/1928


Blair Cem Records has d 31 Aug 1928; born 12 Aug 1849; Blk 35 Lot 6 Grave 9; name Merab H

Tribune 30 Aug 1928

Dies At Los Angeles

Mrs. Merab Bradley Was Long-Time Resident of Blair

Relatives in this city received word the fore part of the week of the death of Mrs. Merab Bradley which occurred Sunday, at Los Angeles, California. The deceased was born in Fair Haven, Connecticut, August 12, 1849 and on October 20, 1869 she was married to William Bradley at Meriden, Conn. In February, 1883 the family moved to Blair where they resided until 1892 when they moved to a farm north of the city.

Fifteen years later the husband died after which Mrs. Bradley removed to Blair, going to Los Angeles in 1914 to make her home with her daughter, Flora. She was a resident of this community for many years and was widely known and highly thought of by a large circle of friends. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, two of whom died in infancy, while a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Fox, died in 1908.

She leaves to mourn her loss, a son, Walter, of Santa Ana, Calif.; five daughters, Mrs. J. W. Newell and Mrs. A. M. Johns of this city, Flora of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. E. J. Wiililams of Lincoln and Mrs. O. F. Newell of Los Angeles. Eighteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren also survive. The body will be brought to Blair and services will be conducted at the Blair cemetery at 2:00 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. Carl G. Bader officiating.