Enterprise 16 Mar 1967
Services For Glen Wilson Held Saturday*
Funeral services were held Tuesday for Glen Wilson, 74 years of age, a lifetime resident of Washington County, who died Saturday, March 11th at his farm home, following an illness of several months.
The services were held at the Baptist Church with interment in Blair Cemetery.
Mr. Wilson is survived by his wife, Hannah; son Raymond and two grandchildren, Norman and Rita, all of Blair.
Mr. Wilson was born March 10, 1893, on the farm where he lived his entire life. His parents were the late Robert and Julia Wilson. On August 30, 1916 he was married to Hannah Mathiesen. The couple observed their Golden Wedding anniversary in August of 1966.
Pallbearers were Joe Fryman, Vernon Mathiesen, Ray Sonderup, Vernon Christoffersen, Gene Mathiesen and Gene Wilkins.
The Bendorf Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
* error in newspaper