Obituary Record

Nancy (Armstrong) Wilson
Died on 12/3/1927
Buried in Blair Cemetery

#1 Printed in the December 7, 1927 Pilot, Blair, Nebraska

Mrs. Wm. Wilson Passes

Her Suffering Relieved by Death at 10 O’Clock Saturday Evening

Funeral Tuesday Afternoon

Mrs. William Wilson closed her eyes in death at about 10 o’clock last Saturday evening, December 3rd, at her home on north West street, this city, completing a life of 82 years, 2 months and 15 days.

She had been an unusually strong woman, loving her work, not only her housework but outside work as well. She had never been ill in her life until last February when she suffered a paralytic stroke, since which time she has been confined to the house. She had suffered much in the last two weeks of her life, entering into rest at the close of the week.

The funeral service was held at the Methodist church, her church home at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Rev. Carl G. Bader officiated, assisted by Rev. E.J. Hancock, an old friend. The music was furnished by Miss Ethel Mead, Mrs. E.J. Hancock, Mrs. A.D. Smalley, Mrs. Anna Martin, Dr. C. R. Mead, F. W. Arndt and the writer of these lines, with Miss Gertrude Mead at the piano.

Nancy Armstrong was born in Galton county, Ill, Sept., 18th, 1845. When she was six years age the family moved to Effingham county, near Edgewood, Ill. She was united in marriage to William Wilson, of Effingham county on September 15th, 1867 and three children were born to them.

By 1869 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their infant daughter, Mattie, left Illinois in a covered wagon for the plains of Nebraska to found a home and grow up with the country. They settled on a farm, which was their home for many years, located northwest of Blair. In 1906 they moved to this city, their son, Hosea, remaining on the old farm.

It was a great comfort to the family and many friends that she lived to celebrate and was well enough to enjoy their 60th wedding anniversary on September 15th last, and although “Aunt Nan” as she was affectionately called, shunned ostentation and crowds, many friends called to extend congratulations on that day.

She is survived by her husband, one son, Hosea, who lives on the old farm, two sisters, Mrs. J.E. McCracken, of this city, and Mrs. Lafe Davis, of Blue Springs, Neb., and one brother, William Armstrong of Fremont, for many years a resident of this county, also many relatives and friends who will long cherish her memory.

One son, Frank, died at the age of six months and an only daughter, Mattie, Mrs. Lee Gray, died on the altar of motherhood in 1891, and her daughter, Lucy, went to join her when but six months old. There is one grandson, Frank, and one great-granddaughter, Frances Ann, his daughter.

#2 Printed in the Dec. 8, 1927 Enterprise, Blair, Nebraska


Mrs. Nancy Wilson, wife of Wm. Wilson of this city, after a lingering illness of about eight months, passed away at her home in Dexterville at 10:15 last Saturday evening.

She suffered a stroke of paralysis last spring from which she never recovered and which finally caused her death.

She was born Sept. 15, 1845 in Gallatin County, Ill. And with her parents moved to Edgewood, Ill. when she was about 6 years of age. Here she grew to woman-hood and on Sept. 15, 1867 was married to Mr. Wm. Wilson. For two years they lived on a farm near Edgewood and then moved by covered wagon to Nebraska. Landing here in Sept. 1869 they moved directly to the old home now occupied by their grandson, Frank Wilson, on the Papio.

For years they resided on the Papio and later built up the place occupied now by their son, Hosea, where they continued to live until about twenty-two years ago when they moved to Blair to take a well earned rest in their declining years.

To them three children were born, one daughter and two sons, but of the three only one son, Hosea, remains.

Mrs. Wilson has been a remarkable woman. Coming here with her husband when the country was new she knew the privations and hardships of the pioneer life and with it all was a good mother, wife and neighbor and only kind remembrances and kind words are spoken of her by her old friends and neighbors.

For over sixty years Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have trod and path of life together. Sixty years of useful and happy endeavor that has borne fruit in a successful business career and a life well spent.

The funeral services were held last Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Methodist Church with Rev. Bader officiating and interment was made in the Blair Cemetery.

Besides the bereaved husband and son, the deceased leaves a grandson, Mr. Frank Wilson; two sisters, Mrs. Jake McCracken of this city and Mrs. Lafe Davis of Wymore, Nebr., and one brother, Mr. Wm. Armstrong of Fremont, to mourn her loss.

Note: Per Blair Cemetery records; died 3 Dec 1927; buried 6 Dec 1927; Blk 31 Lot 5 Grave 9

#3 December 8, 1927 - The Tribune


Mrs. Wm. Wilson Passes Away at Age of 82 Years

Mrs. William Wilson died at her home on north West street in this city last Saturday evening after an illness of about seven months duration. The deceased was born in Galton county, Illinois, September 18, 1845 and was over 82 years of age at the time of her death.

She was married to William Wilson in Effington county, Illinois September 15, 1867, and two years later Mr. And Mrs. Wilson and baby daughter came by covered wagon to Washington county, Nebraska, settling on the farm west of Blair that they occupied for a great many years. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were pioneer residents of this county and endured all of the hardships so common to the early residents. Just the 15th of September this year they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary, at which a large number of relatives were in attendance.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were the parents of three children, a daughter, Matie, having died shortly after she had reached womanhood and a son, Frank, also having departed this life at the age of six months. Hosea of this city is the only surviving child.

She leaves to mourn her loss, besides her bereaved husband, one son, Hosea of this city; a grandson, Frank, a great granddaughter, Frances Ann; two sisters, Mrs. J. E. McCracken of this city and Mrs. Lafayette Davis of Blue Springs, Nebraska, and one brother, Wm. Armstrong of Fremont.

After a short service at the home, funeral services were held at the Methodist church on Tuesday afternoon with the Rev. Carl G. Bader officiating. A profusion of flowers was indicative of the large circle of friends that survive her. Burial was made in Blair cemetery.

~~~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file at the Blair Public library.

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 12/7/1927