Enterprise 13 Mar 1930
William Wilson was born in England, January 27th, 1845. When he was six years of age his parents brought their family in a sailing vessel to America, stopping a short time in Connecticut, but soon coming on to make their home in Effingham County, near Edgewood, Illinois.
He had not yet grown to manhood when he answered the call of President Lincoln, serving with the Union army to the end of the Civil War.
He was married September 15, 1866, to Miss Nancy Armstrong of Edgewood, Illinois. In 1869 they came by covered wagon to Nebraska, arriving in November, and settling on the old homestead now occupied by their grandson, Frank Wilson. Later they acquired and developed the farm northwest of Blair, now occupied by their son, Hosea, living there until 1905, when they came to make their home in Blair.
Three children blessed their union, a daughter, Matie, and two sons, William Frank and Hosea. Matie and William Frank preceded their parents in death. Mrs. Wilson was taken December 3, 1927.
“Uncle Billy”, as he was affectionately addressed by everyone, made a success of life, both financially and in the greater business of building a life. He became a Christian and church member about half a century ago, and 35 years ago he and Mrs. Wilson transferred their membership to the Blair Methodist Church.
Thrifty, of strong convictions, a lover of children, he has been loyal to home, community church and country. About a year and a half ago he became a resident of the Crowell Memorial Home, where he was everybody’s friend, taking delight in “treating” his fellow-residents to delicacies he knew they would enjoy.
Although in enfeebled health due to advanced years, Uncle Billy sturdily maintained his self-dependence until Saturday, when a paralytic stroke immediately followed by the development of erysipelas, rendered him helpless. The end came mercifully soon, Tuesday, March 11th, his age being 85 years, 1 month and 12 days.
He is survived by his son, Hosea Wilson of Blair; one brother, Robert of Blair; one sister, Hattie, of Illinois; one half-brother, Frank, and one half-sister, Emma, of Eppingham County, Illinois; one grandson, Frank, and one great granddaughter, living northwest of Blair; with a very large circle of friends who affectionately cherish his memory.
The funeral services were held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 p.m. from the M. E. church and interment will be made in the Blair Cemetery.