Tribune 21 June 1928
Aged Lady Expires
Mrs. Claus Mencke Dies At Home Of Daughter
Mrs. Tina Mencke died at the home of her daughter, Miss Bessie Mencke, at Tekamah early last Thursday morning following an illness of about four month duration. She had been confined to her home at Blair for about a month but had been removed to Tekamah where her daughter could care for her. The deceased was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, July 9, 1857, and came to this country with her parents when she was five years old. The family located at Omaha where the father followed the blacksmithing trade but later removed to a farm near Calhoun.
In 1875 she was united in marriage with Claus Mencke and they lived on a farm about five miles west of Blair until in 1886 when the husband was appointed deputy sheriff of Washington county after which the family moved to this city. He later served as sheriff of this county until 1912. Mr. Mencke died in July, 1921. The deceased had lived the greater share of her life in Blair and was widely acquainted throughout Washington county and had a large circle of friends who thought highly of her.
She leaves to mourn her loss: three sons, Henry of this city, George, of Seattle, Washington, and John of Lebanon, Oregon; and two daughters, Miss Bessie Mencke of Tekamah and Mrs. Lazure of Hildreth, Nebr. Five brothers, August, G. A., and Chris Rathmann of this city, John of Lebanon, Oregon, and Henry of Scribner; and two sisters, Mrs. Peter Soll and Mrs. Mary Anderson, both of this city, also survive her.
Funeral services were held from the family home at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon, the Rev. A. F. Newell assisted by a minister from Tekamah, officiating, after which interment was made in Blair cemetery.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.