Two newspaper articles
Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used.
# 1 - - Enterprise, February 5, 1925
After a long and lingering illness, Mrs. Rudolph Sas passed away at the home of her mother in Winner, S.D. and on Sunday, the body was brought here to the home of Mrs. G.G. Lundt, a relative.
The funeral was held on Monday at 2:30 P.M. with Rev. Werning officiating and interment was made in the Blair cemetery.
Miss Mabel Petersen was born at Lynch, Nebr., Sept. 10th, 1899 and was therefore past twenty-five years of age. She was married to Rudolph Sas, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sas, at Winner in 1917 and in 1921 they moved to Winner where Mr. Sas entered business. Her health failing she was taken to Arizona where they remained for about a year with no beneficial results and they returned to Winner to the home of her mother.
She is survived by her husband, one son, aged three and one-half years, her mother, two brothers and two sisters.
# 2 - - Pilot, February 4, 1925
The body of Mrs. Rudolph Sas was brought here from Winner, S.D., last Sunday evening and the funeral service was held at 2:30 Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. G.G. Lundt, Rev. Henry Werning officiating. Burial was in the Blair cemetery.
Miss Mabel Petersen was born at Lynch, Neb., Sept. 10th, 1899, so was but little past 25 years of age. She was married to Rudolph Sas, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sas, at Winner in December of 1917. In 1921 they moved to Pender, where her health failed and Mr. Sas took her to Arizona, where they spent about a year. Her condition didn’t improve and they returned to Winner. Besides her husband, she is survived by an only son, John Eugene, aged 3 ½ years, her aged mother, two sisters and two brothers.
(A penciled notation beside the article indicates that “May Belle” is an alternative spelling of her name.)