Obituary Record

Ferdinand J. Sas
Died on 1/5/1929


Two newspaper articles

# 1 - - Blair Pilot, January 9, 1929



Ferdinand J. Sas passed away at about 9 o’clock Saturday forenoon at the home of his sister, Mrs. Freeman Parish, of pneumonia following an attack of flu and the funeral service was held there at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon, Rev. A.F. Newell, of the Congregational church officiating. The music was furnished by a mixed quartette composed of Misses Ethel Mead and Mary Cook and F.W. Arndt and this writer. His was the third death of Blair business men within a week.

There was a large attendance of relatives, friends and business men of the city, for Mr. Sas has been in business in Blair for about 37 years. He was associated first with his brothers in what was known as Sas Bros. Seven years ago he sold his interest to Wm. J. Sas and with his brother-in-law, Freeman Parish, started the Sas & Parish store in the I.O.O.F. building.

Mr. Sas was born in what was then West Dayton, now Dayton, Ia., June 29th, 1870, so was 58 years of age last June. The family removed to Harrison county, Ia., near Woodbine, Ia., where he grew to manhood. He came to this county in 1891 and associated himself with his brothers, Will, Rudolph and John in the Sas Bros. department store.

They built the present large brick store building in 1897. Will sold out and went to Wisner and later John sold out his interest and went to Pender, where he still resides. Will passed away about a year ago at St. Paul, Minn.; Rudolph, father of Wm. J. Sas, the present owner of the business, died a number of years ago. A sister, Mrs. Donner and a brother, Henry, are also dead. All were residents of this city.

He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Freeman Parish, and one brother, John, of Pender, the last of a family of four brothers and two sisters. He was laid to rest in the Blair cemetery, where his father and mother and all the other members of the family are buried. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of their many friends.

# 2 - - Enterprise, January 10, 1929


Ferdinand Sas, a merchant of Blair since 1891, passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. F.L. Parish of west Lincoln street on Saturday morning, January 5th. He had been ill but a few days suffering from an attack of flu.

Mr. Sas was born in Dayton, Iowa June 29, 1870, and was thus past fifty-eight years of age at the time of his death.

He came to Blair in 1891 and shortly afterwards engaged in the mercantile business with his brothers, Rudolph and John. Since that time he has been in the mercantile business here with the exception of a few months and at his death was associated with his brother-in-law, F. L. Parish in the general mercantile business.

He is one of a family of five brothers and two sisters, all of whom have passed away except John of Pender and Mrs. F. L. Parish of Blair.

The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at two o’clock from the home of his sister, Mrs. Parish, with Rev. A. F. Newell officiated and interment was ……….. (The rest of the article was cut off.)