Obituary Record

Elbert Martin (Doc) Sayles
Died on 6/9/1916
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used.

Enterprise, June 9, 1916.


“Doc” Sayles ended it all Wednesday evening about 9 o’clock by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver, causing instantaneous death.

“Doc” has had an insatiable appetite for liquor and had failed to provide for his family, a wife and four children, until his wife had refused to live with him and had begun an action for divorce. He had not been living at home for some time and Wednesday evening went to the house with one of the children, who had been sent on an errand, and told him to tell his mother to come outside, at the back door, as he wanted to talk to her. She refused to see him, fastened the doors and put out the lights and he then came around to the front door and sat down on the doorstep and shot himself through the heart.

Deputy Sheriff Karl Peterson took charge of the body and an effort was made to locate Coroner Pierce, without success and the corpse was then taken to the morgue.

Two loaded revolvers were found on him and it is the belief that he proposed emulating the recent example of Saulsbury by killing his wife and himself – and possibly the children.

Deceased was a good mechanic and quite intelligent and agreeable when sober. He leaves 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls, ranging in age from 5 to 14 years; two brothers, one a physician, formerly a minister here, living at Elwood, Iowa and the other living at Grand Island, this state. He was 49 years old next October and was married in 1889 at Red Cloud, Nebr., to Lydia Crawford. His brothers are expected here and the burial will be made today.

Sayles, Elbert Martin

Died 9 June 1916 (date calculated)

Published in Blair Democrat on 15 June 1916

Burial in Blair Cemetery


Elbert Martin Sayles was buried from his late residence on Fifth street at four o'clock Friday afternoon. The little house was crowded with friends of the family and a few floral pieces graced the black cloth-covered casket. Misses Vanola Burnton and Cora Stricklett sang several hymns and Rev. McCracken of the Christian church preached the funeral sermon. The remains were buried in the Blair cemetery.

Elbert Martin Sayles was married to Miss Lydia Crawford at Red Cloud, Nebr., and with four small children survive the deceased. One brother resides at Grand Island and another formerly a minister here, but now a physician in Iowa also survive. Deceased was a clever mechanic and his services were in great demand by employers who had work requiring intelligence of a high order.

Printed in the Blair Democrat/Courier on 6/15/1916