Tribune 30 Aug 1928
Mrs. J. W. Wulff Dies
Passes Away at Portland While on Camping Trip
The following clipping from a Los Angeles newspaper concerning the death of Mrs. J. W. Wulff, former well-known resident of this city, was handed to us by Henry Wulff. Further particulars concerning the death of Mrs. Wulff will be sent later by the bereaved husband:
“Friends of Mrs. J. W. Wulff, eighteen years a resident of the Los Angeles Southwest, 4286 Halldale Avenue, were startled to learn of her passing in Portland, Oregon, August 12.
“Mrs. Wulff in company with her husband and daughter, Mrs. Robert Summerville, were on a camping trip hoping for the improvement of Mrs. Wulff’s health. A wire a week ago reached Mrs. H. G. MacBain, daughter, living in Glendale, apprising her of her mother’s illness. Mrs. MacBain left immediately for Portland. A few days later Leo Wulff started for his mother’s bedside arriving a few hours before she passed away.
“Besides the immediate family, a sister, Mrs. Martha Slaughter, also an old time resident of the Los Angeles Southwest, and residing on Halldale Avenue, mourns the deceased. The remains will be brought to Los Angeles for burial. Date for the funeral has not been arranged but will in all probability occur the very last of this week or the first of next.
Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.