Obituary Record

Louise M Wolff
Died on 7/20/1975


Louise M. Wolff Died At Blair Hospital Sunday

Mrs. Louise M. Wolff, a lifelong resident of Washington County, died at the Blair Community Memorial Hospital last Sunday, July 20th. She was 78 years of age. She was born at Fort Calhoun August 23, 1896 and grew up there.

On July 1, 1918 she was married to Frank J. Wolff and they made their home in Ft. Calhoun where they operated a food store.

In 1935 they moved to Blair where they had purchased a food store which they operated for 20 years before retiring in 1955. Mr. Wolff preceded his wife in death in 1964. Following his death Mrs. Wolff continued to live at 2104 Lincoln Street.

Her illness was brief, having been hospitalized but a few days prior to her death.

Mrs. Wolff was active in many local affairs. She was a charter member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Blair. She was also very active in the group of women who started the movement to build Blair’s Memorial Community Hospital. She took an active part in the work of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, of which she was a long time member.

She is survived by a son and a daughter, both residents of Blair. The son is Frank (Fritz) Wolff, Jr. and the daughter is Mrs. Floyd (Betty) Triplett. There are seven grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.

A sister, Mrs. Olga Micheels lives in Omaha and a brother,

* note-could not find the obituary on microfilm to get the name of the brother