Obituary Record

Carrie Anderson
Died on 11/25/1940
Buried in Blair Cemetery


Suffering agonies for many months caused from a cancer in her breast, Mrs. Carrie Anderson, for some time past a patient at the hospital, died Saturday, November 25, and death came as a great relief to the poor old lady, for her existence was a pitiable one, the right side being almost eaten away, while the right arm was swollen to four times its normal size.

Mrs. Carrie Anderson was born in Denmark, June 13, 1845, and came to this country with her husband in 1882, settling in Washington county. Mr. Anderson died in 1905 and since then, deceased has been making her home with her sons, Nels Peter Anderson of Grant township, and Andrew Anderson of Herman township, both well-to-do farmers of this county.

The funeral services were held Monday from the Danish Lutheran church at 1 o'clock p.m. and the remains buried beside those of her husband in Blair cemetery.

Printed in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune on 11/29/1940