The Pilot 2 Jun 1915
Thomas Magee Wright
Thomas Magee Wright was born in Washington county, Va., Feb. 22nd, 1845, and died in Washington county, Neb., May 28th, 1915, age 70 years, 3 months and 6 days old. He was married to Margaret J. Neely Sept. 12, 1864, and to this union seven children were born, six sons and one daughter. Three sons and daughter are living, also ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. His wife died May 1st, 1903. He was married to Mrs. Sarah A. Painter, April 27th, 1905, who still survives him. He was a soldier in the confederate army and was in the battle of Gettysburg. Very early in life he was converted and united with the English Lutheran church. Later in life he joined the Free Methodist church, of which he was a member at the time of his death. He lived a consistent Christian life and besides his wife and children and relatives he leaves a host of friends to mourn their loss.
Wm. McElfresh D.E., Lincoln, Neb.
Mr. Wright will be greatly missed by his many friends for he was kind to everyone. His health has been failing for several months and the end was not a surprise. His family were all present when the end came. The funeral was largely attended. Rev. McElfresh, of Lincoln, preached the sermon, a very good one, full of advice and counsel for the living, the text having been selected by Mr. Wright several days before his death. Mr. White, of Blair, also made a few remarks. Mr. and Mrs. Byers, Misses Blaco, Byers and Nissen and Mr. Roeca sang. Mrs. Wright and the family wish to thank all who so kindly assisted them in their hour of sorrow and the neighbors who contributed the flowers.