Obituary Record

Edward C Jackson
Died on 2/21/1928
Buried in Blair Cemetery

#1-Blair Pilot 22 Feb 1928

(Veteran Civil War) (Photo)

E. C. Jackson Dies Suddenly

Body to be Brought Here From Minneapolis, Minn., Funeral Friday

Grand Comman’y in Charge

A telegram was received here last night from Joe Jackson conveying the sad news of the death of his father, Edward C. Jackson, very suddenly at 8:45 that evening. He had been up there but about a month following the sudden death of his wife here on January 5th.

The body is to be brought here tomorrow, Thursday, evening and will be taken to the Campbell undertaking parlors. At 9:30 Friday morning it will be taken to the Masonic temple, under an escort from the Commandery, where it will lie in state until 1:30, those wishing to view the remains will be permitted to do so between those hours.

At 1:30 all that is mortal of this much loved and esteemed man and Mason will be taken to St. Mary’s Episcopal church, where Rev. Chas. Hering will conduct the regular service of the church, following which the Commandery will conduct their funeral service. They will also have charge of the commitment service at the grave, Mr. Jackson having served as Grand Commander of the state in 1920.

His wife passed away very suddenly and peacefully while she was dressing on the morning of January 5th, the funeral being held the following Saturday at the Episcopal church. Mr. Jackson held a sale of his household goods at once, there being no one left in the home and went to Minneapolis to make his home with his son, Joe, and wife.

In less than a month he, too, died very suddenly and is to be brought here and laid to rest by her side. Also by the side of an infant son, George H., and a daughter, Ada, aged 37, whose death occurred November 22, 1912.

The funeral and burial service will be in charge of the Grand Commandery of Nebraska, the first funeral in this city to be so conducted. Grand Commander Geo. P. Sprecher, of Lincoln, will be here to take charge of the same. He will be assisted by Past Grand Commander Jas. M. Robertson and Chas. H. Green, Grand Prelate Frank Smith, of Omaha, or Past Grand Prelate Luther B. Kuntz, of Omaha. Other Grand officers will be in attendance.

It is expected that the honorary pallbearers will be members of the G.A.R., he having been a member of John A. Dix Post here for so many years, with the active pallbearers from Jordan Commandery No. 15, which he had served as Commander in ’89, ’99 and ’01.

Edward C. Jackson was born in Columbus, Ga., December 10th 1844, so was 83 years of age last December. He was the son of Geo. H. and Harriett M. (Allen) Jackson, both of whom were born in New York. They were married in Troy, N.Y. and went to Columbus, Ga., in 1842, where George Jackson had the contract for the erection of a cotton mill.

Later they returned to Troy, where Edward C. grew to manhood and learned the trade of a wagon maker in his father’s wagon factory. Later he was employed as a bookkeeper and still later as a copyist in a lawyer’s office, where he received the inspiration to become an attorney.

In August, 1862, Mr. Jackson enlisted as a private in Company K 12th Vermont Vol. Vol. Inf., at Rutland, Vt., and served out the period of that enlistment, nine months. His regiment left the state for Washington, D. C., where his regiment was attached to the 2nd brigade of Casey’s division in defense of Washington.

On February 24th, 1864, he re-entered the service as a private in Co. E. 125th New York Volunteer infantry. He was promoted to sergeant May 27th, 1864, acting sergeant-major May to December 1865, commissioned 1st lieutenant December 5, 1864, acting adjutant of regiment until March, 1865.

He was promoted to the captaincy March 27th, 1865 and given command of Co. B and was attached to the 3rd brigade, 1st division of the 2nd army corps, army of the Potomac until June 1865, when he was honorably discharged from service after the close of the war.

He took part in a long list of engagements including the pursuit of General Lee, his final surrender at Appomattox court house on April 9th. He took part in the grand victory at Washington D. C. May 23rd ’65 and was mustered out June 5th ’65, after a long and honorable period of service in the defense of his country.

On November 28th 1867, Mr. Jackson was united in marriage to Elizabeth Smith of New York City, the ceremony taking place at the home of a mutual friend, Peter Brinkerhoff, it being a double wedding with his daughter, Margaret.

In December of that year he came to this state, locating first at Omaha, where he was associated with his brother, Wm. II, in the photographic business for three years. In 1870 he came to this county and engaged in farming in Richland township, living there until his election as county clerk, when he removed to this city, where he made his home for over 53 years.

He held some public office most of the time during that long period of residence serving as county clerk, clerk of the district court, deputy county treasurer, county treasurer, county probate judge. He was admitted to the bar in 1879 and at the close of his term as county judge he practiced law for some years, when he was again chosen clerk of the district court and served as such until his resignation that took effect January 1st, 1927.

Mr. Jackson was a member of the St. Mary’s Episcopal church and served as vestryman for many years being on the honorary list at the time of his departure for Minneapolis. He also served for years as lay reader, taking charge of the services of the church in the absence of the rector.

Mr. Jackson was given his first degree in Washington lodge, A.F.&A.M. No. 21, Nov. 23rd, 1875 and on Sept. 7th 1876 took his first degree in Adoniram Chapter No. 13. On March 31st, 1875 he took his first degree in Jordan Commandery No. 15.

He had been advanced to the position of Master of the Blue Lodge, Prelate of the Chapter and High Priest, Recorder and Commander of the Commandery becoming Grand Commander of the state in 1920. He was always efficient in his lodge work and popular with his lodge brothers and they delighted in honoring him.

Mr. Jackson was a republican in politics, having cast his first vote for Abe Lincoln before he was 21 years of age, while serving under him as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy. He was a member of John A. Dix post No. 52 and had served as commander and in other positions.

In a history of Washington county pioneers the following beautiful tribute was paid Mr. Jackson.

“There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the spectacle of a life that has reached its autumn, with a harvest of good and useful deeds. It is like the forest in October days, when the leaves have borrowed the richest colors of the ? and glow in the mellowed sheen of the Indian summer, reflected all its radiance of their existence.

“The man who has chosen a clean and useful life cannot fail to enjoy a serebity of soul, and when such a life has been preserved in its strength and integrity so that even in age its influence continues unabated, its challenges the added admiration of those whose good fortune it is to be brought into contact with it.

“Such a life has been that of Edward C. Jackson, for over fifty years one of the substantial and enterprising citizens of Washington county. Such a life merits a record of its deeds, but his record is too familiar to the people of the locality of which this history deals to require any fulsome encomium here, his life work speaking for itself in stronger terms than the biographer could possibly employ.”

The biography closes with these words, “In the life history of Mr. Jackson are found evidences of characteristics that always make for achievement, persistence, coupled with fortitude and lofty traits, and as a result of such a life he has long been one of the best known, most influential and highly esteemed citizens of the county.”

#2-Published in the Enterprise February 23, 1928

Judge E. C. Jackson Answers Call-Well Know Character and Highly Esteemed Citizen Passes Away at Home of Son in Minneapolis, Body Brought to Blair-Was of Early Settlers

Word reached Blair early yesterday morning of the death of Judge E. C. Jackson at the home of his son, Joseph, of Minneapolis, Minn. The report simply said passed away suddenly at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday.

It has been but a short time since Mrs. E. C. Jackson passed away at their home here in Blair and shortly afterward Mr. Jackson closed the home and went to make his home with his only child, Joe of Minneapolis.

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were early settlers of this county, settling on a farm south of Blair, in the early seventies. He was born in Columbus, Georgia, Dec. 10, 1844 and was therefore eighty-four years of age at his last birthday.

In his early manhood he served his country in the Civil War with distinction and after coming to Washington County most his life was spent in public office. He served as County Treasurer for four years, as Deputy County Treasurer for seven years, as County Judge for eight years and as Clerk of the District Court for a number of years, resigning only a short time ago and retired to private life.

The body will arrive in Blair on the 12:35 train today and the funeral services will be held tomorrow and will be in charge of the Knights Templar organization of which he was a member.

#3-Published in The Pilot February 29, 1928




The body of Edward C. Jackson, Past Commander of the Grand Commandery of the State of Nebraska, was brought here on the noon train from Minneapolis, Miss., where he passed away at 8:45 February 21st, accompanied by his son, Joe Jackson and wife and son, Douglas.

The remains were taken to the Campbell undertaking parlors and at 9:30 Friday morning were taken to the Masonic Temple, lying in state until the hour set for the funeral services at St. Mary’s Episcopal church, guarded by a delegation of Sir Knights.

At 1:30 the Knights in full uniform, formed for the funeral march to the church, fifty-three in all, including five Grand officers and four past Grand Commanders. There was also a guard of honor from the Stanley E. Hain Post of the American Legion, a firing squad of ten men, a leader and three color bearers.

The service at the church was conducted by Rev. Chas. D. Hering, who had been Mr. Jackson’s pastor for several years, and Bishop A. V. Shayler, of Omaha, the funeral sermon being by Bishop Shayler, who made a very fitting and eloquent address.

Following the church ritual and address the funeral service of the Grand Commandery was by Geo. T. Sprecher, of Lincoln. Grand Commander, Dr. Frank G. Smith, of Omaha, Grand Prelate, Chas. H. Morley, of Omaha. Grand Senior Warden, Wm. D. Wanner, of Falls City Grand Junior Warden, and John T. Dysart, of Omaha, Grand Sword Bearer.

Past Grand Commanders present were Chas. H. Green, of Fremont, James M. Robertson, of Plattsmouth, Jesse D. Whitmore, of Valley, and Dr. Carrol D. Evans, of Columbus.

The service was a very beautiful and impressive one, being the first Grand Commandery service to be held in this county, Mr. Jackson having served as Grand Commander of the state in 1920. The commitment service at the cemetery was also under Grand Commandery auspices.

A firing squad from the American Legion fired a salute of ten guns under command of Lee Sumner. The squad was composed of Marcus Beck, Robt, Riddle, Grant Lothrop, J.W. Blatter, Gus Lundt, John Jessen, Everett Aronson and Hans Paulson. The color bearers were Carl Schmidt, L.C. Klopp and Henry Ladwig. Taps were sounded to close the service by Soren Jensen.

Five members of the G.A.R. attended in a body and were given seats of honor. They were Dr. J.V. Hinchman, Sam Haller, A. Sutherland, John McCracken and Ed Noyes.

The guard of honor from the Commandery was composed of three Blair men, Albert Miller, G.G. Hines and Leonard Jensen and three men from Tekamah, Dr. N.J. Maun, Lyman . Pratt and Carl S. Norseen.

The music was furnished by Gifford Dixon, with Mrs. Mona Deets at the organ.

Mr. Jackson is survived by one son, Joe, of Minneapolis and one grandson, Douglas. There are three brothers living: Will, in Washington, D.C., Fred, in Boston, Mass. and Al in California; also one sister, Mary Elizabeth Brown, in Terre Haute, Ind. He was making plans to visit his relatives in the east when taken sick.

He had suffered a few days with intestinal flu and following that the bowels became clogged. He had been given medicine for this condition and had been having severe twinges of pain during the afternoon. The physician said that these sharp pains had probably increased the blood pressure which ruptured a blood vessel in the brain.

Joe’s wife was sitting by his side in the evening and he complained of a very severe pain in his side. Then she noticed he couldn’t speak. Two physicians came, but he was dead in half an hour thereafter.

After attending to some business, Joe Jackson and wife and son, Douglas, left Saturday evening for their home in Minneapolis.

Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clipping on file at the Blair Public Library.

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 2/22/1928