Enterprise 10 Oct 1913
Death Claims Isaac McCann – Was Well Known In This County
Deceased Was a Native of Virginia, But Passed Most of His Life in Washington County – Was an Active and Respected Citizen
The announcement of the death of Isaac McCann, which occurred at his home in Kennard, on last Saturday, the 4th inst., while not entirely unexpected, was a great shock to his many friends throughout the county, and especially to his old neighbors, who knew him so well and esteemed him so highly for his sterling integrity, sturdy manhood and kind-heartedness. He had been a conspicuous figure in the material affairs of this county for more than two score years, a plain, blunt, outspoken man, large hearted and generous in all his transactions with his fellows, his advice and counsel was often sought and acted upon. Coming to this county in the year 1872, just when farming on an extensive scale was in its experimental stage, he analyzed the soil, in nature’s way, and studied climatic conditions, arriving at conclusions from results obtained by experiments, and soon became known throughout the entire county as an authority in all branches of agriculture and livestock production of improved breeds. Though he kept abroad of the times in his understanding of public measures and manifested much interest in political events he always firmly declined the importunities of his friends to permit the use of his name for political preferment. He was a moving spirit in the organization of the Grange and Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Co. of Washington and Burt counties and was president of the organization for many years. He was also foremost in the organization and installation of the Independent Telephone Company of this county and a member of the Board of Directors of the company for several terms and vice-president of the company at the time of his death. All in all he was a useful citizen and did much for the building of Washington county, in a material way that will remain as a monument to his memory.
Isaac McCann was born at Leplo, Va., June 5th, 1842, remaining at his native home till the breaking out of the rebellion when he enlisted in June 1861 in Company II, 37th Virginia regiment and served in the ranks three years. He was at the battle of Gettysburg July 2nd and 3rd, 1863, in Major General Ewells command and also served under General Stonewall Jackson at the time of the general’s death. June 12th, 1861, he was captured by the Union forces at the battle of Bloody Angle and was held as a prisoner at Fort Delaware for 13 months. When released at the close of the war he returned home and renewed his former avocations, on January 1st, 1867, being married to Miss Marguerite C. Wright, at Mocks Mills, Va. Eight children were the result of this union, four sons and four daughters as follows, in the order of their ages, all living and being present when he was laid in his eternal resting place: W. J. lives in Blair; Mrs. John Rosenbaum, in Kennard; S. F. on a farm between Kennard and Arlington; H. H. at Calumet, Okla., Mrs. Samuel Demarue; Mrs. Frank Widener and Mrs. Robert Whorlow on farms near Kennard and Delmer. The youngest son maintains his home on the old home farm, where he was born and raised, but also has a modern home at the village of Arlington. In addition to his children he leaves his aged wife and 52 grandchildren, a brother in Virginia and a sister in Washington. Two brothers, one at Kennard, unmarried, making his home with Isaac for a number of years, and Eli, who lived in Virginia, have died within the past six months. While he followed the impulses of humanity, joining the southern army in the Civil war and fought valiantly for what he conceived to be the defense of his rights and protection of his home and loved ones, as soon as he removed from his native environment he realized that the war was a mistake and ever remained a staunch and loyal supporter of the government, a patriotic defender of an undivided country. And this was amply illustrated in the high esteem in which he was held by the unanimous membership of all of the Grand Army posts in the county, the members thereof attending his funeral in large numbers and requesting to be permitted to take entire direction of the obsequies, which, however, had been otherwise, previously, arranged for.
He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and in his young manhood had allied himself with the Methodist church. But he never made profession of superiority or hotiness, preferring rather to square his life by the Golden Rule, making his home and the love and care of his household his religion.
The funeral service was held at his late home in Kennard on Tuesday at one o’clock p.m., Rev. Wm. Esplin of the Crowell Memorial Home preaching the sermon and interment being made in the Kennard cemetery. Many from Blair, Arlington and other parts of the county attended the funeral, all members of the Grand Army post at Blair, who were able to go, being in attendance.
Democrat 9 Oct 1913
Isaac McCann
Whose Death Occurred at His Residence in Kennard Last Saturday Evening
A Pioneer Gone
Isaac McCann, a pioneer of this county, died at his home in Kennard on Saturday after a protracted illness aged about 71 years.
The deceased was married to Miss Margaret C. Wright in Mochs Mills, Va., Jan. 1, 1867, and was the father of eight children, all of whom with the aged widow were present at the funeral. The sons are J. W. McCann, of Blair; Delmar, of Arlington; Henry, of Oklahoma; Floyd, of Kennard and the daughters, Mrs. John Rosenbaum, Mrs. Tom Demaree, Mrs. F. Widner, Mrs. Robert Whorlow, all reside at Kennard.
Mr. McCann homesteaded a piece of land near Kennard in 1872 and lived there until ten years ago when he removed to Kennard. He was a native of Virginia, having been born at Mochs Mills, and served in the confederate army during the civil war. He was a member of the Methodist church for many years.
Sixteen Grand Army Veterans, at least one of whom had fought against the deceased during the Civil War, were in attendance at the funeral.
Funeral obsequies were held at the home in Kennard Monday, conducted by the local pastor and Rev. Esplin of Blair.
Tribune 8 Oct 1913
Isaac McCann
Isaac McCann, a pioneer settler of Washington county died at his home in Kennard last Saturday, Oct. 5, of a complication of troubles extending over a period of some ten years’ time. Isaac McCann was born in Mock Mills, Va., on June 4, 1842, and was married at Mock Mills, on June 1, 1867, to Miss Margaret C. Wright. They came to Nebraska in March 1872, and located on a homestead near Kennard, where they resided up to about ten years ago when they moved to Kennard. To them eight children were born, namely, W. J. of Blair, Henry of Oklahoma, Delmer of Arlington, Floyd, Mrs. John Rosenbalm, Mrs. Sam Demearee, Mrs. F. Widner and Mrs. Robt. Whortlow, all of Kennard, who were all at the funeral, and thirty-two grandchildren, who with the aged wife, mourn his demise.
During the civil war, he served as a soldier in the confederate army.
Isaac McCann has been a prominent figure in the building of Washington county, was a man of honorable traits and was well liked by his countrymen. He was a member of the Methodist church in Kennard.
The funeral was held Tuesday from the home in Kennard. Rev. Wm. Esplin, of the Crowell Home, conducted the services, assisted by the Kennard ministers, and the remains were laid to their long rest in the Kennard cemetery.
Pilot 8 Oct 1913
Isaac McCann was born at Leplo, Va., June 5, 1842, died at Kennard, Nebr., Oct 4, 1913, after a lingering illness of several years. He was married Jan. 1, 1867 to Margurita C. Wright, at Mock’s Mills, Va. To this union eight children were born which with their mother and 32 grandchildren survive him. He was a pioneer in Washington county, having come here in 1872, resided here since. His was the first death in the original family. He was a member of the M. E. church, having united with that denomination shortly after his marriage. The funeral was held from the home yesterday at 1 o'clock with Rev. Esplin of Crowell Memorial Home, old friend, officiating, assisted by Rev. Mr. Hiller and Rev. Mr. Grossman. The services were very simple, in accordance with his wishes. Mr. McCann was a man that it was an honor to call friend. His manner was always quiet and unassuming and his friendship true. He will be missed not only by his family, who are all married with homes of their own in this county, but by everyone who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.
Church services will hereafter be at 7:30 at the Methodist church and league at 7:00. Please be on time.
Rev. K. W. G. Hiller, of Elgin, came in yesterday morning to return home with his car which he had to leave here on account of the muddy roads.
Robt. Sutton, of Marshall, Okla., arrived here yesterday to attend Mr. McCann's funeral and remained over for a visit with his brothers-in-law, O. W. and Will Marshall. He had been to Blair to visit his sister, Mrs. Sheffield.
Mesdames Emmet Bolt, Epling, Ida Wright, Hugh Wright, Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Jas. Maher and a company of the old soldiers, about 12 in number came out from Blair yesterday morning to be present at Mr. McCann's funeral.
L. K. Davies, of Lincoln, was here to attend the funeral of Isaac McCann yesterday. He is an old friend of the family.
Mrs. C. M. Masters and daughter, Gertrude, of Arlington, were visiting at the home of George Robertson yesterday and attended the funeral.
Bertha Knudsen, of Omaha, is visiting at the home of L. Back.