Enterprise 26 Nov 1942
Funeral services for Janice Mae Wulf, 2-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wulf of Kennard, were held Sunday afternoon at the Bendorf Funeral Home in Blair. Rev. H. J. Goede of the Grace Lutheran Church, Omaha, was in charge of the final rites.
Little Janice Mae, who had been sick since her birth at Blair Hospital on September 16, 1942, died last Thursday and Immanuel Hospital in Omaha.
Survivors include the parents and a brother, Larry, aged 3; the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Torvald Andersen of Blair and Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Wulf of Irvington; and two great-grandmothers, Mrs. Anna Carlsen of Kennard and Mrs. Lizzie Wulf of Irvington.
*Gravestone lists death as 19 Nov 1942
Buried in Blk 1 Lt 16 Sp 5