Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper articles was used.
Two newspaper articles
# 1 - - Enterprise, May 3, 1934
The Calhoun neighborhood was shocked and grieved last Monday when the sad news became known that after an illness of but a week’s duration Hans Schmidt residing west of Calhoun had succumbed to an attack of double pneumonia.
Deceased was born in Germany and came to this country when fourteen years of age. At death was sixty-four years eleven months and eighteen days old.
Thirty-nine years ago he led his bride, Johannah Hansen, to the altar and after their marriage they immediately begun housekeeping on the farm where they spent their entire wedded life. Here a family of eleven children were born, ten of whom are still living.
Through all these years the deceased was known for his upright manner of living. He was public spirited and twenty-one years ago he assisted in the work of organizing the Plainview school district and became one of its officers. He has filled that place continuously since and has given the most conscientious care to the proper administration of its affairs and with the co-operation of the other members of the board has given the district one of the best schools in the county.
In his dealings with his fellow men he was honorable and just and besides his wife and children he leaves a host of friends who knew him as a real man and who join them in their great sorrow.
The funeral services were held from the Presbyterian Church in Calhoun at 2 p.m. Wednesday and interment was made in the Calhoun cemetery where a host of friends and admirers followed the body to its last resting place in mute testimonial of their sorrow.
# 2 - - Pilot 3 May 1934
Fort Calhoun Man Succumbed Monday
Survived by 10 Children
Hans Schmidt, 65, Buried Yesterday
Death Monday took Hans Schmidt, 65, for many years a prominent farmer of near Fort Calhoun. Although he had resided in Washington County for many years, Mr. Schmidt was foreign-born, being a native of Holstein, Germany.
Mother, Mrs. Dietrich Schmidt of north Center Street, Blair; and a brother living in Winslow; and ten children, Emma, Anna, Hulda, Amanda, Ella, Elma, Helen, Edna, Ernest and Harry. Another daughter, Clara, died several years ago at the Schmidt home near Fort Calhoun. Last rites were conducted yesterday afternoon at the Fort Calhoun Presbyterian Church. Interment was in the cemetery there.