Three newspaper articles
# 1 - - Pilot, January 2, 1929
Uncle William Polson passed out of this life at 8:30 Monday evening, almost with the old year of 1928. He was 84 years of age the 7th of last October, so had reached a ripe old age, despite the fact that he had never been sturdy in health. The prevailing flu so sapped his strength that death came peacefully.
The funeral services will be held at 2:30 tomorrow, Thursday, afternoon, Rev. A.F. Newell, of the Congregational church, officiating. Burial will be in the Blair cemetery, where Mr. Cruickshank has been sleeping for several years.
William Polson was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, one of a family of nine children of Dr. and Mrs. James Polson. He grew to manhood there, coming to this country in 1876 and made his home with his sister, Mrs. A.J. Cruickshank, for some four years.
When the gold rush started in Deadwood, Colorado, he, with others, went out there and after following the life of miner for several years settled on a ranch, where he made his home for almost a half century. He became ill and never having married was brought back here about five years ago to again make his home in his declining years with his sister.
Besides Mrs. Cruickshank, who is now past 93 years of age, he is survived by a brother, James Polson, and a sister, Mrs. Margaret McGlashan, both of London, England. But three are now left of the family of nine children, of which Mrs. Cruickshank is the oldest.
# 2 - - Enterprise, January 3, 1928 (1929)
William Polson, brother of Mrs. J.A. Cruickshank of this city, passed away last Monday evening, Dec. 31 at 8:30 at the Cruickshank home at the advanced age of eighty-four years.
He had been ill with the flu for about a week.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 this afternoon, Rev. A.F. Newell of the Congregational church officiating.
William Polson was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and came to America in 1876. He spent a number of years in South Dakota and after his health failed, came to Blair to make his home with his sister. He was never married. He was one of a family of nine children, three of whom survive: Mrs. Cruickshank, ninety-three years old, of this city; a brother, James and a sister, Mrs. Margaret McGlashan, both of whom live in London, England.
# 3 - - Pilot, January 9, 1929
Uncle William Polson, brother of Grandmother Cruickshank, and uncle to Mrs. Sherry Moore, passed away last Monday at the home of his sister and niece, where he had made his home for many years. He was so well known to all in the Home as he attended services here Sunday afternoons whenever able. He will be missed not only in his home, but by many here and elsewhere. He was buried on Thursday afternoon, the funeral services being conducted at the residence by Rev. A.F. Newell. I regret that I was unable to be present on account of other matters intervening. He was born in Scotland and I believe was nearly or quite 85 years of age at the time of his passing.