Pilot, December 26, 1928
A penciled note states that Peter was in the Danish Army, 1864.
Peter Schmidt, sr., passed away at his home here December 20th of pneumonia at the age of 88 years. The past twelve years he was confined to his home with rheumatism. Mr. Schmidt was born in Schleswig, Germany, April 24th, 1840, where he grew to manhood and served his period of enlistment in the Danish army and in the war with Germany in 1864. Up to the time of his death he was drawing a pension from the Danish government. In 1870 he came to Omaha where he resided two years and in 1872 Mr. Schmidt and his family moved onto a farm three miles west of Ft. Calhoun where he resided until 1900 when he and his wife retired from farm life and moved to Ft. Calhoun.
Mr. Schmidt is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Fritz Jahnel, of Kennard; three sons, Peter, of Minnesota; William, of Benson; and Henry, at home; fourteen grandchildren; one great-grandchild. His youngest daughter, Mrs. Otto Frahm, preceded him in death just seven years ago. The funeral service was held at the Presbyterian church at 2 o’clock Saturday, December 22nd. Interment was in the local cemetery. Music was furnished by Mrs. Joe Bolln and the Misses Grace and Edith Neale and Dorothy Sievers. Rev. Barton conducted the services.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Paulsen of Blair, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hagelstein of Randolph, Neb., were here Saturday to attend the funeral of Peter Schmidt.