Obituary Record

Mildred Luella 10 yrs. Taylor
Died on 2/4/1915


Since the exact death date was not given, the date of a newspaper article was used.

Blair Democrat, February 4, 1915

Mildred Luella, the ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oliver Taylor, died last Saturday afternoon at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, who reside in Weimerville. She had been ill since the first of last December and her death came as a surprise to those who knew her. Chronic Brights disease was assigned as the cause of her death. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, interment taking place in the Blair cemetery.

# 2 - - Pilot, February 10, 1915

Mildred Luella Taylor died at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, last Friday of heart trouble. She had scarlet fever about a year ago and had never been really well since. The funeral was to have been held Monday but owing to the storm was postponed until yesterday, at 2 o’clock. Rev. J.W. Lewis of the Methodist church conducted the service at the house. Her father, Lee Taylor lives in Florence. She leaves a brother older and two sisters younger than she was. She was born in Fremont county, Ia., June 11th, 1904. Mrs. John Coulter, of this city, is also a grandmother.