Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used.
Pilot, September 26, 1928
Mrs. George W. McCoy passed away at the Methodist hospital in Omaha at about 3:30 last Saturday afternoon, where she was taken two weeks ago as a sufferer from Bright’s disease. Nothing could be done for her but she was never able to be brought home after she was taken down there.
A short service was held at the residence on west Washington street at 1 o’clock Monday afternoon before taking the body to the Methodist church at Rose Hill for the funeral service and burial, Rev. Carl G. Bade, her pastor, officiating. The church was crowded to overflowing with the relatives and old friends of the family.
Edmonia Lamb was born in Hardingsburg, Ky., March 31st, 1868, so was past 60 years of age. She came with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamb, to Omaha, spending her first birthday anniversary on the boat, the trip being made entirely by water. They landed in Omaha April 9th, 1869, and made their home for a time near DeSoto, then a thriving village.
Later they moved near this city, then to the Rose Hill neighborhood, where she grew to womanhood. There she became a member of the Rose Hill Methodist church, where the funeral service was held and burial was made in the cemetery hard by. The music for the service was furnished by a quartette composed of Miss Ethel Mead who also sang a solo; Mrs. E.J. Hancock, F.W. Arndt and the writer of these lines.
There were many beautiful floral offerings, emblematic of the sweetness and beauty of the life that had passed out, for she was greatly beloved by her family and friends. She was a faithful worker in the Methodist church both here and at Rose Hill before the family moved to Blair about ten years ago.
She was united in marriage to George W. McCoy on September 18th, 1884, and to the union six children were born, of whom one son, Harlan, died in infancy and one daughter, Mrs. Vesta Marsh, died six years ago.
She is survived by her husband and four children, Bertha, Mrs. A.J. Sutherland; Vassie, Mrs. Holgar Hansen and Miss Evelyn of this city; and Bryan McCoy of Rowood, Arizona. Also three brothers and three sisters, Henry Lamb of Grand Island; Mrs. Nancy Ryan and Mary, Mrs. A.T. Allen of Blair; Wm. Lamb and Bessie, Mrs. W.T. Meader of Fremont; and Charles Lamb of Gage, Okla. There are six grandchildren.
The bereaved husband and family have the sincere sympathy of many friends. A faithful wife and mother has gone, whose memory will long be cherished until the happy meeting on the other side.