Pilot, August 22, 1928
Henry Newell, a resident of Blair from 1871 to 1887, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Foster in Central City last Thursday, being 94 years of age on August 11th. The body was taken to Omaha where a Knight of Kadosh funeral service was held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral at 10 o’clock Saturday night.
Burial was in the Blair cemetery Sunday afternoon, the burial service being conducted by the officers of Garfield Lodge, I.O.O.F. of which Mr. Newell had been a member for many years. Mr. Newell was also a member of Washington Lodge No. 21, A.F. and A.M., of Adoniram Chapter, R.A.M. and of Jordan Commandery here.
# 2 - - Enterprise, August 23, 1928
Henry Newell, early day resident of Blair, was buried here last Sunday afternoon, his death having occurred at the home of his daughter at Central City on August 16, at the advanced age of ninety-four years.
The deceased was a cousin of M.D. Newell of this city and also of Mrs. Mattie Davis of Omaha, Mrs. Jim Skinner of Coffeeville, Kansas, and Mrs. Lida Selden of Calif., all early day citizens of Blair.
Mr. Newell was a high degree Mason and also a member of I.O.O.F. lodge, whose officers conducted the funeral service.
A coincidence worth mentioning was that the deceased was buried by the side of his father, Russell Newell, who was born in 1805 and whose death and burial occurred in Blair in 1876.
Thus both father and son, at advanced ages, however far they have roamed, sleep the last sleep in the same lot in the cemetery of their home town.
#3-Tribune 23 Aug 1928
Civil War US Navy
Funeral services for Henry Newell, who died last Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Foster, at Central City, were held last Sunday afternoon after which the body was laid to rest in Blair cemetery. The deceased was born in Ware, Massachusetts, August 11, 1834, and was a resident of Washington county for many years where he was widely acquainted. He was a cousin of the late J. W. Newell and of M. D. Newell. A midnight funeral service was conducted by the Omaha Masonic bodies at Omaha Saturday evening. He leaves to mourn his loss, three sons, William of Omaha, Robert of Isle of Pines, Frank of Central City, and two daughters, Mrs. Flora Brown of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Ed Foster of Central city. Four grandsons, Newell Brown and Earl, Austin and Leon Newell, acted as pallbearers at the last rites.
Note: Blair Cemetery listing has: Born 11 Aug 1835; Died 16 Aug 1928; Buried 19 Aug 1928; Blk 26 Lot 9 Grave 10