The little six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson, died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen, in Dexterville, last night of diphtheria, after a three day's illness.
Mrs. Anderson, accompanied by her two children, came here from the western part of the state, two weeks ago to attend the golden wedding of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen, and was remaining for a month's visit when, on Wednesday, the little boy was taken ill. Two physicians were summoned who pronounced the trouble as diphtheria and the home was at once quarantined. The disease refused to respond to the treatment administered and the little one passed away about 11 o'clock last night.
The father was at once notified by wire, but up to the hour of going to press no word has been received from him, and it is thought now that interment will be made this (Friday) afternoon in the Blair cemetery.
This is a particularly sad case; the death of the child occurring away from home and father, the nature of the death prohibiting friends from visiting the bereaved mother and tendering her personal condolence and helping her to bear the cross resting so heavily upon her, but the heart of every parent who has ever had a little casket brought into their own home, knows the overwhelming sorrow and their hearts go out in agonizing sympathy to these parents and other relatives in their great grief.
Tribune, Feb. 10, 1915
Elmer, the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson, died in this city Friday morning from diphtheria. The parents of the child reside at Mullen, Nebr., and were here to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Jensen, Jan. 19.
This is the first death to be recorded during the present epidemic, and the sorrowing parents have the sympathy of their many friends in their hour of affliction.