Enterprise 30 Jan 1914
Mrs. Henry H. Magill Dead
On Saturday, the 18th, inst., Mrs. Henry H. Magill passed peacefully to her eternal rest at the family home in the New England settlement west of Herman. The family located on a homestead where they have since lived in 1868 when neighbors were few and houses far between. Deceased was greatly respected by all who knew her and much loved by those who had associated with her. The Craig News has the following obituary:
“Sarah Jane Cranshaw was born Nov. 8, 1844, in Massachusetts, and died Jan. 18th, at her home near Herman, this state, aged 69 years, 2 months, 13 days. Feb. 9, 1865, she was united in holy matrimony to Henry H. Magill, in the state of Wisconsin. In Dec. 1867, they moved to Omaha and remained there until the Spring of ’68, and that Spring they moved to their homestead in Washington Co. and have resided there ever since. There was born to this union nine children, one dying in infancy. The children are: Arthur; Mrs. Lottie Longwell, of Bancroft; Mrs. Jennie Schenck, of Newcastle; Herman, of Burt Co.; Mrs. Della Spiker, of Newcastle; and William, Alfred, and Mabel, who lived at home. She has been a very patient sufferer for the past four years and death was a happy release from the physical suffering. There are left to mourn her, the husband, eight children, one sister, Mrs. Alice James, of Seymour, Wis., and her only brother, James Cranshaw, of Detroit, Mich. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Henderson of Craig, in the Baptist church in Herman, after which her remains were laid to rest in the Herman cemetery.”