#1 --Printed in The Pilot, May 2, 1928
The funeral of George W. Carmichael was held at his residence on east State street at 2 o’clock last Friday afternoon, Rev. Carl G. Bader officiating. Mr. Carmichael died at Norfolk on Tuesday and the body was brought here Wednesday morning. He was born in Bailaire, Ohio, March 18th, 1842, so was just past 86 years of age. He grew to manhood there and was married there, two of their children surviving, Otto, of this city and Mead of Michigan. His first wife died and a few years later he was again married, seven children being born of this union, six of whom are living, Mrs. Chlora Swift, of Gothenburg, Neb.; Mrs. Debbie Charlton of Denver; John, of Madison, Wis.; Avie of Denver; and Ralph and Charles of this city. Mr. Carmichael served several terms as councilman from the first ward and always looked after the best interests of his ward. The bereaved wife and children have the sincere sympathy of their many friends.
#2- - #3-Published in the Enterprise May 3, 1928
George W. Carmichael, well known in Blair and for a number of years a member of the City Council, passed away in Norfolk on May 1, 1928 at the ripe old age of eighty-six years.
Deceased was of Scotch parentage. He was born in Bellaire, Ohio March 18, 1842 where he grew to maturity.
He was married twice. To the first union three children were born, two of whom are living, Otto of this city and Mead of Wisconsin.
The second marriage was blessed with seven children of whom six are living, Clara Swift of Gothenburg, Nebr.; Debby Charlton of Denver; John of Madison, Wisconsin; Avie of Denver and Ralph and Charles of Blair.
The body was brought to Blair Wednesday morning and the funeral services will be held at the home but no definite arrangements as to time have been made.
# 3 -- Printed in The Tribune, May 10, 1928
Funeral services for the late George W. Carmichael, who died at Norfolk last Tuesday evening, were held from the family home last Friday afternoon, the Rev. Carl G. Bader being in charge of the services. The deceased was born in Carmichael, Ohio, in 1842 and came to Nebraska in 1884 and later settled in Blair. He took an active interest in the affairs of the community and served as a member of the city council for a number of years. A large number of floral tributes at the administering of his last rites were indicative of the host of friends in whose esteem he had been held high.
He leaves to mourn his loss, his bereaved wife; six sons, O.F. of Blair; M.S. of Eau Claire, Wisconsin; John of Alice Heights, Wisconsin; Avie of Denver; and Ralph and Charles of Blair; and two daughters, Mrs. Clara Swift of Gothenberg and Mrs. Debbie Charlton of Denver. Twenty-three grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren also survive.
Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file at the Blair Public Library.